The Book of the Illuminated Chronicle
Written by László Veszprémy and Tünde Wehli
Photography: József Hapák
NSZL–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2009., 200 pages
ISBN 978 963 096 041 0
The Corvinas of King Matthias in the National Széchényi Library
Written by Árpád Mikó
Photographs made by József Hapák
Picture captions and explanatory texts written by Edina Zsupán
NSZL–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2008., 160 pages
ISBN 978 963 095 883 7
Matthias Graduale
Introductory essay and picture explanations written by Zoltánné Soltész
The text of the essay was revised by Ferenc Földesi
Photographs made by József Hapák
Preface written by István Monok
NSZL–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2007., 204 pages
ISBN 978 963 095 585 0
Edison in Hungary
Accompanying essay written by István Gazda
Editing and essay on photographs written by Zoltán Nagy
The facsimile edition of the original illustrated album at NSZL, shelf nr. 570673, was made by the printing press of Fischerman Nyomdaipari Ltd. in 500 copies.
NSZL, Budapest, 2006.
ISBN 963 200 514 7
The Maps of Europe 1520–2001
Selection from the collection of National Széchényi Library
Maps selected and texts written by Katalin Plihál
Photography: József Hapák
NSZL–Helikon, Budapest, 2003., 228 pages
ISBN 978 963 208 843 3
Treasures of the Hungarian national library
Written by István Monok
Translated by Elayne Antalffy M.
Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2002, 416 pages
ISBN 963 547 665 5
Kincsek a nemzet könyvtárából
Written by István Monok
Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2002, 416 pages
ISBN 963 547 663 9
Schätze der ungarischen Nationalbibliothek
Written by István Monok
Translated by Anikó Harmath
Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2002, 416 pages
ISBN 963 547 664 7
Language: German
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