
Hungarica ex librises of Rudomino Library Moscow in local and international contexts


One of the central themes of new, recently forming cultural historical and art historical discourses is the image and its role, effect and reception in visual culture. In the wake of the “iconic turn”, a radical turn could be observed in the field of research too.

Humor cubed! – Night of Museums 2015


Buy your ticket now at the Library's Registration Desk!

This year National Széchényi Library focuses its programs for the Night of Museums on “humor”. We are waiting for you with the following programs, the list of which is given according to various sites within the Library:

Main entrance:

NSZL will be open on Whit Saturday


National Széchényi Library will be open on Whit Saturday May 23, 2015 during its usual opening hours. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Library!

Humor cubed – exhibition


“When it comes to humor, I’m not joking” – said Frigyes Karinthy (1887-1938), who started his writing career as a journalist and remained a writer of short, humorous writings until his death. As a matter of fact, the birth of the so-called “light” genre and its operating mechanism are much more complex than one could ever imagine.

Image Library shutdown


Due to technical problems, our service called Hungarian Digital Image Library has been facing a temporary shutdown. We will re-launch our service as soon as our IT staff solves the problem. We regret any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding!

NSZL at the Summering of Museums



Just like last year, this May too, National Széchényi Library will participate in the so-called Summering of Museums, an event held in the garden of the Hungarian National Museum between May 16 and 17.

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