Library of Book History, Library and Information Science

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Opening hours:

  • Wednesday–Friday: 10.00–17.00
  • Monday–Tuesday, Saturday: closed

The Library of Book History, Library and Information Science is operating as a department of the Hungarian Library Institute at the National Széchényi Library. It provides services for practicing librarians, library students and library faculties, researchers, the management of librarianship and for all those interested. It is a member of the National Document Supply System (Hungarian abbreviation: ODR).

Services and activities:

  • collection of books and journals on library and information work, library and information science, librarianship, as well as on the history of books and libraries in a wider sense of the word;
  • special collections (theses, dissertations, publicity materials, photos, etc.);
  • online catalogue (option: Library and Information Science Library);
  • LIS documentation (HUMANUS database of Hungarian and international articles, options: Library Science or Book History);
  • thesaurus of library and information science;
  • reference services (in the reading room, by phone, e-mail or via mail);
  • value-added information services (reviews, state-of-the-art reports, materials for decision making);
  • access to professional databases;
  • editing and publishing:

1.    professional journal: Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review);
2.    abstracting journal: Hungarian Library and Information Science Abstracts;
3.    national special bibliography of librarianship: MAKSZAB;
4.    annual bibliography of book history for the journal Magyar Könyvszemle

  • practical training for LIS students;
  • the management of the Museum of National Széchényi Library.

Library of Book History, Library and Information Science (Hungarian abbreviation: KSZK) can be visited by owners of an NSZL Reader Pass or Day Pass. The majority of KSZK documents can be lent. To lend any document, readers need to have an NSZL Reader Pass and make a free registration at the Library of Book History, Library and Information Science.
Free bookshelves contain the bulk of KSZK stock, so they are freely accessible. Documents asked from depository are usually served within 15 minutes and, on request, they will be reserved for readers for an entire week. (Pre-order for documents from depository is taken in the reading room, on the phone or via e-mail.)