Relations and Images of Space
Edited by Csilla Bíró and Beatrix Visy
NSZL–Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2014.
[Bibliotheca Scientiae & Artis 6., Series edited by László Boka)
262 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 624 6
When it is a heterotopia, like in this case the National Library, that organizes an academic conference, what topic could be timelier and more defying than the interdisciplinary study of the concept of space? The authors of our volume, including guest contributors and NSZL researchers, approach their topics from the notions of space and place with the use of modern works on space theory, and start an inspiring dialogue between the different areas of research.
The volume is organized around two major thematic units. The first uses literary theory notions and analysis of literary works and groups of works to study fictitious and real spaces and places, emphasizing social spaces, space metaphors and hierarchies, chronotopoi, mythical spaces, urban and rural spaces, and the notion and motives of border. The essays of the second unit are in line with the collections of National Széchényi Library and the research carried out in them: they analyze real, non-fictional spaces and their representations in past and present, with the sources and tools of culture history, art history, philology, cartography, theatre history and musicology. Their topics include timely and practical questions like the place and function of libraries in society, the ways to preserve national memory, the changes of theater spaces, and the digital applications of the preservation of cultural heritage.
The notions of ’space’ and ’place’, apart from their literary and artistic representations and semantic relations, can describe now and again the most different images of space, show a new facet in each new occasion, and invite to discuss new ideas.
Bibliotheca Scientiae et Artis
National Széchényi Library holds its yearly internal conference, the Research Session to give chance to its researchers to present and discuss their topics, and facilitate a scholarly dialogue between the experts. The selected and edited material of these thematic conferences has been being published from 2010, as volumes of the book series Bibliotheca Scientiae et Artis. The series editor is László Boka, the Director of Research at National Széchényi Library, and each volume is edited by the curator of the related Session.
Our publications are available in our bookshop, or can be ordered from the Publications Department of the NSZL using the contact details below: Főigazgatói Kabinet kiadványtára, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1276 Budapest P.O. box 1205., phone: 06-1-23-23-506, e-mail: