News, events

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On the occasion of the Hungarian Opera Day, the Hungarian State Opera released a unique CD collection including masterpieces of 200 years of the Hungarian opera culture. The collection entitled Magyar Opera200 (Hungarian Opera200) will be presented to municipal libraries and musical institutions of Hungary by the Hungarian State Opera. NSZL was the first library that received this prominent publication.
A conference entitled Book trade and library partnerships will be held in National Széchényi Library by the Department of Research and Organization Development of the Hungarian Library Institute on November 10, 2017.
We will follow the crusaders, look for mystic Koran interpretations and discuss the issues of Islamic ethics in the fall season of NSZL’s cultural history lecture series. Our November guest will be Arabist, archaeologist and historian Balázs Major, who will deliver a lecture entitled In the footsteps of the crusaders.
As part of the programs related to the Autumn Festival of Museums 2017, on November 3 we invite you to discovery adventure tours in the repositories of National Széchényi Library.
You are cordially invited to the presentation ceremony of a book entitled The Perception of Islam in Bohemia at the Turn of the 16th and 17th Centuries by Eszter Kovács in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library. The event will start at 16:30 on Wednesday November 8, 2017.
Our colleague, staff member of NSZL Dr. Kornélia Vas-Tóth will deliver a lecture at a scientific conference entitled Ex libris: mark of ownership – piece of art in Cracow, Poland on November 15, 2017.
This year, the annual seminar and professional conference of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) will take place in Amsterdam.
Book presentation ceremony of the Acting Communities – Active Community Involvement project (EFOP-1.3.1-15-2016-00001), entitled Acting for Public Good, will start at 2 p.m. on October 25, 2017 in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library.
The Association of Hungarian Librarians and its cooperating partners including National Széchényi Library, the Hungarian Library Institute and the Library of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office will hold a commemoration ceremony, starting at 11:30 on Wednesday October 25, 2017 in honor of the heroes of the Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight of 1956.
As part of our IT development project, the furniture of NSZL’s Microfilm Reading Room will be renewed between November 4 and 11, 2017. During these days, a limited possibility to read microfilms will be provided in the General Reading Room of the Library.
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