News, events

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A memorial conference was held by the Institute of Library & Information Science at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the death of Mrs. Zoltán Soltész née Erzsébet Juhász. Several staff members of our Library delivered presentations at the meeting.
On October 27, 2017 we are waiting for you with two new programs related to the János Arany Year. At 6 p.m. Mátyás Stróbl’s projected presentation entitled Arany’s sculptor, Alajos Stróbl will begin, and an hour later “… Father of all of us” – Professor János Arany, a literary eve of performing artist Annamária Sudár will start.
Recently the 17,000th volume, Virágfakadás (La vie en fleur; The Bloom of Life) by Anatole France was added to the Hungarian Electronic Library that has been collecting and providing for free a great variety of works for over twenty years.
As part of the event series of Saint Ladislaus Year held in Rumania, on October 14 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nagyvárad will organize a conference entitled REX ADMIRABILIS – Work and Memory of King Saint Ladislaus. Staff member of our Library, Dr. Edit Madas, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, research fellow of HAS-NSZL Res Libraria Hungariae Research Group will also deliver a lecture at the event.
Due to an event on October 14, the northern lift next to our Ceremonial Hall (right at the stage entrance) will be closed down on Saturday at 19:30 because of its loud operation and slam. Thank you for your understanding.
The next lecture of our series entitled Orientalists in NSZL will be held by István Hajnal at 5 p.m. on Wednesday October 11, 2017. We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!
This part of our exhibition series focusing on World War I presents not only period maps but also other special documents. For example, visitors can have a look at Turkish and Russian posters, manuscript maps from the occupied Serbia or on Romanian invasion. Toys and paper models distributed during World War I are also presented. 
In honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, NSZL will hold a conference on October 16, 2017. From the perspective of publication, book and binding history, or content, lecturers will present prints, series of prints and manuscripts kept in major historical libraries that played a symbolic or representative role in the history of the Reformation.
The Theater History Collection of our Library cordially invites you and your friends to the opening ceremony of an exhibition, entitled “…let it be faithful to idea and form, yet free…”, about the first Hungarian edition of Complete Works by Shakespeare on the occasion of the János Arany Memorial Year. The event will start at 5 p.m. on October 5, 2017.
A conference entitled Library marketing, or scenes of library publicity was held in Szeged on September 28, 2017. Péter Tóth, staff member of National Széchényi Library also held a presentation at the conference.
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