NSZL has just finished the overall processing of Count Sándor Apponyi’s small but significant bibliophile collection which had been donated to the Hungarian national library in 1924. Description of over 500 works can be accessed from the Library’s online catalog.
[1]NSZL has just finished the overall processing of Sándor Apponyi’s small but significant bibliophile collection which had been donated to the Hungarian national library in 1924. Description of over 500 works can be accessed from the Library’s online catalog [2]. The Count’s entire collection, the so-called Bibliotheca Apponyiana, will soon be available for online search.
Included in the collection entitled Rariora et Curiosa are works reflecting Sándor Apponyi’s individual sphere of interest. The collection comprises several books on the Nogarola Counts and works on the history, politics, social and cultural relations as well as literature and art of other distinguished families of Verona. Count Apponyi had searched for and published works by Isotta and Ginevra Nogarola, who were his distant relatives and lived in the 15th century. He also showed great interest in the history, geography, philosophy and literature of countries within and outside Europe.
By the gift certificate dated seven months before his death (September 15, 1924), Count Sándor Apponyi donated his library as a whole to the Hungarian national library. In its five, separately managed collections, this library included as many as 15,000 documents.
[2] http://nektar2.oszk.hu/librivision_eng.html