National Széchényi Library invites you and your friends to the presentation of a book entitled Propaganda – politika, hétköznapi és magas kultúra, művészet és média a Nagy Háborúban (Propaganda – Politics, Everyday and High Culture, Art and Media in the Great War), edited by Iván Bertényi, Jr., László Boka and Anikó Katona. The event will start at 4 p.m. on Monday December 12, 2016.
National Széchényi Library cordially invites you and your friends to the presentation of a book entitled Propaganda – politika, hétköznapi és magas kultúra, művészet és média a Nagy Háborúban (Propaganda – Politics, Everyday and High Culture, Art and Media in the Great War), edited by Iván Bertényi, Jr., László Boka and Anikó Katona. The event will start at 4 p.m. on Monday December 12, 2016.
The volume will be presented by historian Balázs Ablonczy, Senior Research Fellow of HAS Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of History, who will also have a discussion with the editors of the book.
Venue: National Széchényi Library, Boardroom 516
Date: 4 p.m. on Monday December 12, 2016
The book will be available at a discount price during the event.
In January 2016, National Széchényi Library held a two-day interdisciplinary conference in the framework of a project aimed at studying, via various disciplines, hinterland propaganda during World War I, its changes over time as well as its forms and tendencies. Primarily with the help of a great exhibition opened in the Library in autumn 2015, and also with the help of other events and publications, NSZL has aimed at putting this rather complex theme in the focus of attention since the centennial year of the Great War. In order to discuss issues raised by the successful exhibition with representatives of the targeted professional fields, National Széchényi Library organized a scientific conference, the edited and selected studies of which are included in this book. Our publication wishes to connect the results of various disciplines including history, history of the press, history of literature and art history, and to study the form versions of hinterland propaganda in fields such as politics, press, literature or visual culture in approximately thirty essays.
GÁSPÁR GRÓH: Once upon a time there was a war
IGNÁC ROMSICS: World War I – from the perspective of 100 years
LÁSZLÓ Z. KARVALICS: The Great War and propaganda
ROMAN HOLEC: Austria–Hungary as “killer of small nations”
FERENC POLLMANN: Atrocity propaganda and the Austro-Hungarian-Serb war
TAMÁS SZÉKELY: Cult of allied rulers in Hungary during World War I
EMESE SZOLECZKY: “Happy, peaceful infantry entrenchment?”
NORBERT STENCINGER: “We turn to you with confidence and hope”
ESZTER BALÁZS: Self-mobilization of the Hungarian society at the beginning of World War I
SZILVIA ZÁVODI: War propaganda on everyday objects
RÓBERT TÖRÖK: “Weighing lasts only till the stock lasts”– food and colonial traders in World War
VILMOS KOVÁCS: Hungarian military industry in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
GÉZA BUZINKAY: Press and/or propaganda during World War I
DÁNIEL SZABÓ: Hungarian press at the outbreak of the war
VINCE PAÁL: Control of the press in Hungary during the years of the Great War
TIBOR BALLA: Organization and operation of the Austro-Hungarian Press Headquarters in World War I
TIBOR KLESTENITZ: Judgment of the Great War in the Hungarian press BOLDIZSÁR VÖRÖS: Spaces, masses, films
MIKLÓS VERES: Wars of the next century
ANDREA BORBÁS: But poems are being written
LÁSZLÓ BOKA: “Songs from the great times?”
BEATRIX VISY: Poem as anti-propaganda
ZSUZSANNA RÓZSAFALVI: Works and genres on war by Tamás Emőd on the Modern Stage
ANNA CSÉVE: “…if there is war, why isn’t there a war?”
ZSÓFIA SZILÁGYI: “What happened to him had no sign and word”
GYÖRGY SZÜCS: Cafe, studio and entrenchment, or the adventures of Sergeant Herman in World War I
JENŐ MURÁDIN: Transylvanian artists on the front of World War I
IVÁN BERTÉNYI, JR.: Nailing statues
ANIKÓ KATONA: War poster: effective weapon or patriotic kitsch?
BOTOND GERGŐ SAMU: Chained colonies, fighting dogs, Holy War and the steel ring of The Entente