Exhibition Catalogues

“To the ornament of the country”. The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop

“To the ornament of the country”. The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop
Exhibition Catalog
Edited by Edina Zsupán
National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2020

488 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-710-6

14 000,- Ft

Pauline Guide

Pauline Guide
Second, revised and expanded edition
Edited by Annamária Sudár and Gábor Sarbak
National Széchényi Library – Hungarian Pauline Order, Budapest, 2019, 189 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-698-7

2 900,- Ft

The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop. A Guide to the Exhibition

A Corvina könyvtár budai műhelye. Kiállítási kalauz
The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop. A Guide to the Exhibition
Introduction and summary tables by Edina Zsupán, curator of the exhibition
Object descriptions by Edina Zsupán, Ferenc Földesi
OSZK, Budapest, 2018, 244 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 686 4

3 900,- Ft
Not available

COMICS AS NARRATIVE: The Ninth Art and its Icons in Hungary

COMICS AS NARRATIVE: The Ninth Art and its Icons in Hungary
Edited by Eszter Szép
National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2018, 84 pages
ISBN 978-963-20-0681-9

3 200,- Ft
Not available

”Others only get their laurels leaf by leaf…”

”Others only get their laurels leaf by leaf…”
Treasures, Cult, Reception History
The catalogue was edited, the accompanying essay and the texts were written by the curator of the exhibition, Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi PhD.
NSZL, Budapest, 2017., 296 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 669 7

4 990,- Ft

Hungarians in the Caucasus

Hungarians in the Caucasus. Search for the Hungarian Homeland in Armenia and the Caucasus
Written and edited by Péter Pál Kránitz
NSZL–Armenian Cultural Centre, Budapest, 2016., 136 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 661 1

3 200,- Ft
Not available

Propaganda in World War I.

Propaganda in World War I.
An exhibition of National Széchényi Library (16 October 2015 - 9 April 2016)
Edited by Iván Bertényi Jr, László Boka
The exhibition was organized and the catalogue texts were written by: Iván Bertényi Jr., László Boka, Anikó Katona, Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi, Oszkár Zoltán Szőts
NSZL, Budapest, 2016., 372 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 651 2

5 980,- Ft


The Era of Persecution and National Széchényi Library
Studies on the Holocaust and its historical antecedents
An exhibition of National Széchényi Library 28 May - 12 July 2014
Edited by Gábor Ujváry
NSZL, Budapest, 2014., 64 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 622 2

1 600,- Ft

Far Away from Mount Ararat. Armenian Culture in the Carpatian Basin

Far Away from Mount Ararat
Armenian culture in the Carpathian Basin. A joint exhibition of Budapest History Museum and National Széchényi Library, 5 April 2013 – 15 September 2013
The exhibition was organized and the catalogue edited by Bálint Kovács and Emese Pál
NSZL–Budapest History Museum, Budapest, 2013., 184 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 608 6

5 990,- Ft

Mirror of the Nation. The Illustrated Press in Hungary, 1780–1880.

Mirror of the Nation. The Illustrated Press in Hungary, 1780–1880.
Emese Révész
NSZL–Budapest History Museum, Budapest, 2012., 96 pages

ISBN 978 963 934 096 1

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