Occasional Publications

Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1921–1940

Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1921–1940
Written by Melinda Simon
NSZL, Budapest, 2023, 244 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 726 7

3 700,- Ft

Pauline Anthology

Pauline Anthology
A collection of literary texts
Edited by Annamária Sudár
Hungarian Pauline Order – National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2023, 750 pages
ISBN 978 615 823 180 0

6 930,- Ft
Not available

My Dear Imre! My Sweet Márikó!

Édes Imrém! Lelkem, Márikóm! Gróf Mikó Imre és felesége, Rhédey Mária grófnő leveleskönyve 1848–1849-ből [My Dear Imre! My Sweet Márikó! Letterbook of Count Imre Mikó and his wife, Countess Mária Rhédey from 1848–1849]
Edited by: Endre Lipthay and Gréta Somogyi
National Széchényi Library – Covasna County Cultural Center – Transylvanian Museum Association
Budapest – Sfântu Gheorghe – Cluj-Napoca, 2021., 344 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 715 1

3 800,- Ft

“Eritis mihi testes” Sound Recordings of the 1938 International Eucharistic Congress

“Eritis mihi testes” Sound Recordings of the 1938 International Eucharistic Congress
„Eritis mihi testes” Az 1938-as budapesti Nemzetközi Eucharisztikus Kongresszus hangfelvételei

Sound Recordings of the 1938 International Eucharistic Congress
Edited by Ferenc János Szabó
Studies written by János Szabó Ferenc, Marietta B. Kaskötő
Translation: Zsófia Hutai
National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2021, 120 pages
CD included
ISBN 978 963 200 717 5

2 800,- Ft

‘My Little Homeland in My Great Country’

‘My Little Homeland in My Great Country’ The Documents at the Manuscript Collection of the János Arany Memorial Museum of Salonta/Nagyszalonta
Edited by Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi
National Széchényi Library – János Arany Cultural Society
Budapest – Nagyszalonta, 2018, 318 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 688 8

3 990,- Ft

In the Footsteps of the Missing Thuróczy

In the Footsteps of the Missing Thuróczy
On the Provenance of Copies of the Brno Edition

Written by Gábor Farkas Farkas
Budapest, National Széchényi Library, 2020.
142 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 537 9

2 990,- Ft

Pauline Guide

Pauline Guide
Second, revised and expanded edition
Edited by Annamária Sudár and Gábor Sarbak
National Széchényi Library – Hungarian Pauline Order, Budapest, 2019, 189 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-698-7

2 900,- Ft

The Strained Will of Rescue. Aladár Kuncz Memorial Conference

„A nekifeszült mentő-akarat”. Kuncz Aladár-emlékkonferencia (The Strained Will of Rescue. Aladár Kuncz Memorial Conference)
Edited by László Boka – Bernadett Brok
National Széchényi Library – Hungarian Academy of Arts Publishing House, Budapest, 2019, 176 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-694-9

2 999,- Ft

Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1901–1920

Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1901–1920
Written by Melinda Simon
NSZL, Budapest, 2019, 252 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 697 0
Language: Hungarian-English

4 500,- Ft

Speak out. Editorial correspondence of Ernő Osvát I-II.

Tessék színt vallani. Osvát Ernő szerkesztői levelezése I-II. (Speak out. Editorial correspondence of Ernő Osvát I-II.)
Edited and studies written by Kosztolánczy Tibor – Nemeskéri Erika
National Széchényi Library – Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2019, 1684 pages
ISBN 978 963 693 706 6

9 500,- Ft
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