Under the title From Fragment to Fragment, National Széchényi Library will hold its annual scientific conference on November 21 and 22, 2019.
Thursday November 21, 2019
- 9.15 Welcome speech by Director-General Judit Hammerstein
Section 1 (Chairman: Ferenc Földesi)
- 9.30 Plenary lecture: Ida Fröhlich: Two magic fragments from Qumran
- 10.00 Edina Zsupán: Paleographic turn – a Vitéz fragment
- 10.20 Eszter Konrád: Treatise and fragment: codex under shelfmark OSZK Cod. Ital.1
- 10.40 Debate
- 10.55–11.15 Break
Section 2 (Chairman: Judit P. Vásárhelyi)
- 11.15 Zsuzsanna Tóth: Examining the binding technique of corvina bindings kept in the collection of NSZL
- 11.35 Márton Szovák: World Chronicle from bits of news – Source science study of Marin Sanudo’s diary
- 11.55 Bernadett Varga: Pál Keresztúri’s “new” sermon
- 12.15 Attila Csobán: Sol et ejus umbra perficiunt opus – Fragmentary art forms, fragmentary diction in alchemical works by Michael Maier and other authors
- 12.35 Debate
- 12.50–14.30 Lunch break
Section 3 (Chairman: Eszter Kovács)
- 14.30 Ildikó Sirató: About fragments of works by our classic playwrights
- 14.50 Zsófia Rétfalvi P.: “What an upside down world is this here?” – Comparison of works entitled Fairy Dream by Sándor Petőfi and Imre Madách
- 15.10 Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi: “This is a fragment and that is, too.” On the fragments of the Hun trilogy by János Arany
- 15.30 Edit Rajnai: “The folly of rich people is like the sea ... “– about the last scenes of the drama entitled The Schoolmistress by Sándor Bródy
- 15.50 Debate
- 16.05–16.20 Break
Section 4 (Chairman: Eszter Kovács)
- 16.20 Judit Sebő: Specialties among the facsimiles of the Slide and Photo Collection
- 16.50 Franciska Dede: Hungarian writers in their homes – series of Új Idők (New Times), 1903-1914
- 17.10 Rita Szűts-Novák: “The four poems enclosed are those of Végvári (whose name is better be protected today than before!)” Literary puzzle of the correspondence of Sándor Imre and Károly Szász, the youngest
- 17.30 Debate
Friday November 22, 2019
Section 5 (Chairman: Edit Madas)
- 9.30 Plenary lecture: Zoltán Z. Varga: Does the poetics of fragments exist?
- 10.00 Gábor Sarbak: Codex fragments – fragmentary codices
- 10.20 Judit Lauf: Codex fragments of National Széchényi Library, hiding witnesses of European and Hungarian culture
- 10.40 Debate
- 10.55–11.15 Break
Section 6 (Chairman: Gábor Sarbak)
- 11.15 Anna Boreczky: An unknown Speculum Humanae Salvationis fragment
- 11.35 Fanni Hende: Fragments of a missal as a binder of Kolozsvár (Cluj)
- 11.55 Ágnes Korondi: Codex and text fragments among the Hungarian language relics kept in NSZL
- 12.15 Klára Kisdi: Lambachi codex fragments in NSZL
- 12.35 Debate
- 12.50–14.30 Lunch break
Section 7 (Chairman: Beatrix Visy)
- 14.30 Bernadett Simon: “… it is just the sign, rather than the telling of momentums…” Diary fragments of the Millennium Exhibition of 1896
- 14.50 Fruzsina Sulics: Newsreels and cultural movies as means of propaganda during World War II in Hungary
- 15.10 Piroska Szabó: A discovered text as a source of social history: publication and interpretation of Erzsébet Bicskey’ diary 1940–1946
- 15.30 Debate
- 15.45–16.00 Break
Section 8 (Chairman: Franciska Dede)
- 16.00 Réka Sárközy: Vespa or Panni scooter?
- 16.20 Katalin Füri: Voice of the photo
- 16.40 Beatrix Visy: “They began to fall, the stuccos of nothing began to fall” – grist of poetry in Ottó Tolnai’s volume entitled Világpor (World Powder)
- 17.00 Debate
Invitation card (in Hungarian)
Language of the conference will be Hungarian.
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