Under the title From Fragment to Fragment, National Széchényi Library will hold its annual scientific conference on November 21 and 22, 2019.

Under the title From Fragment to Fragment, National Széchényi Library will hold its annual scientific conference on November 21 and 22, 2019.
Thursday November 21, 2019
- 9.15 Welcome speech by Director-General Judit Hammerstein
Section 1 (Chairman: Ferenc Földesi)
- 9.30 Plenary lecture: Ida Fröhlich: Two magic fragments from Qumran
- 10.00 Edina Zsupán: Paleographic turn – a Vitéz fragment
- 10.20 Eszter Konrád: Treatise and fragment: codex under shelfmark OSZK Cod. Ital.1
- 10.40 Debate
- 10.55–11.15 Break
Section 2 (Chairman: Judit P. Vásárhelyi)
- 11.15 Zsuzsanna Tóth: Examining the binding technique of corvina bindings kept in the collection of NSZL
- 11.35 Márton Szovák: World Chronicle from bits of news – Source science study of Marin Sanudo’s diary
- 11.55 Bernadett Varga: Pál Keresztúri’s “new” sermon
- 12.15 Attila Csobán: Sol et ejus umbra perficiunt opus – Fragmentary art forms, fragmentary diction in alchemical works by Michael Maier and other authors
- 12.35 Debate
- 12.50–14.30 Lunch break
Section 3 (Chairman: Eszter Kovács)
- 14.30 Ildikó Sirató: About fragments of works by our classic playwrights
- 14.50 Zsófia Rétfalvi P.: “What an upside down world is this here?” – Comparison of works entitled Fairy Dream by Sándor Petőfi and Imre Madách
- 15.10 Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi: “This is a fragment and that is, too.” On the fragments of the Hun trilogy by János Arany
- 15.30 Edit Rajnai: “The folly of rich people is like the sea ... “– about the last scenes of the drama entitled The Schoolmistress by Sándor Bródy
- 15.50 Debate
- 16.05–16.20 Break
Section 4 (Chairman: Eszter Kovács)
- 16.20 Judit Sebő: Specialties among the facsimiles of the Slide and Photo Collection
- 16.50 Franciska Dede: Hungarian writers in their homes – series of Új Idők (New Times), 1903-1914
- 17.10 Rita Szűts-Novák: “The four poems enclosed are those of Végvári (whose name is better be protected today than before!)” Literary puzzle of the correspondence of Sándor Imre and Károly Szász, the youngest
- 17.30 Debate
Friday November 22, 2019
Section 5 (Chairman: Edit Madas)
- 9.30 Plenary lecture: Zoltán Z. Varga: Does the poetics of fragments exist?
- 10.00 Gábor Sarbak: Codex fragments – fragmentary codices
- 10.20 Judit Lauf: Codex fragments of National Széchényi Library, hiding witnesses of European and Hungarian culture
- 10.40 Debate
- 10.55–11.15 Break
Section 6 (Chairman: Gábor Sarbak)
- 11.15 Anna Boreczky: An unknown Speculum Humanae Salvationis fragment
- 11.35 Fanni Hende: Fragments of a missal as a binder of Kolozsvár (Cluj)
- 11.55 Ágnes Korondi: Codex and text fragments among the Hungarian language relics kept in NSZL
- 12.15 Klára Kisdi: Lambachi codex fragments in NSZL
- 12.35 Debate
- 12.50–14.30 Lunch break
Section 7 (Chairman: Beatrix Visy)
- 14.30 Bernadett Simon: “… it is just the sign, rather than the telling of momentums…” Diary fragments of the Millennium Exhibition of 1896
- 14.50 Fruzsina Sulics: Newsreels and cultural movies as means of propaganda during World War II in Hungary
- 15.10 Piroska Szabó: A discovered text as a source of social history: publication and interpretation of Erzsébet Bicskey’ diary 1940–1946
- 15.30 Debate
- 15.45–16.00 Break
Section 8 (Chairman: Franciska Dede)
- 16.00 Réka Sárközy: Vespa or Panni scooter?
- 16.20 Katalin Füri: Voice of the photo
- 16.40 Beatrix Visy: “They began to fall, the stuccos of nothing began to fall” – grist of poetry in Ottó Tolnai’s volume entitled Világpor (World Powder)
- 17.00 Debate
Invitation card (in Hungarian)
Language of the conference will be Hungarian.
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