Our photo exhibition presents some of the historic churches renovated or to be renovated with support provided by the so-called Rómer Flóris Plan. Among them, there are some beautifully restored gems and some dilapidated buildings, the exploration and presentation of which will be the task of the next few years. And there are empty temples with crumbling walls and sagging roofs, deserted by the congregation using and maintaining them for centuries.
Attila Mudrák’s
photo exhibition takes visitors to distant places unknown to many of us. His photos take us to remote small villages of the Carpathian Basin, to the borders, both in the geographic and symbolic senses of the word, where nowadays hopelessness and poverty prevail. Only churches built with artistic care many centuries ago show how rich this region used to be, when its vital.
However, these artistic photos do not reflect decay or hopelessness. Instead, they are full of beauty, harmony and hope for renascence, which makes everyone feel obliged to preserve these wonderful and thought-provoking values.
enue: National Széchényi Library, National Relic exhibition place
Date: December 6, 2016 – February 20, 2017. The exhibition will be open during the opening hours of the Library, Tuesday to Saturday, between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Visitors who do not own a Reader Pass to NSZL can visit all our temporary exhibitions for a flat fee of HUF 400. When planning your visit, please, bear in mind that the ticket office is closed at 7 p.m.