News, events

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Péter Szilágyi, Deputy State Secretary for National Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office held a press conference on Mikes Kelemen Program. The event was also attended by the directors of the partner institutions.
We cordially invite you to the presentation of an e-volume entitled Net! Mindenekfelett?  Kompetenciák a digitális univerzumban (Net! Above All! Skills in the Digital Universe) by Anna Magdolna Sipos, Katalin Varga and Dóra Egervári and a subsequent workshop discussion taking place at 3 p.m. on Monday May 23, 2016.
Options of users searching in periodicals have been expanded. On MATARKA site, you can search in the full text of periodical issues which can be found in both MATARKA and EPA. An article-level search field has also been built in the home page of EPA.
On April 29, 2016, Mrs. Endre Ferenczy, née Lídia Wendelin, retired staff member of our Library was granted the so-called Bibliothecaria Emerita Award for a lifetime of sacrificing work. Congratulations! During her career, our colleague made research in bibliography and the history of libraries and library science. Results were published mainly as independent items, or in the yearbooks of NSZL and in the journal Magyar Könyvszemle (Hungarian Book Review).  
For two months, between April 15 and June 15, 2016, the Dictionaries of Akadémiai Kiadó package will contain the Russian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Russian electronic dictionaries, too. At the same time, the so-called MeRSZ, Hungarian Electronic Reference Works Service will also be expanded.
From now on, you can legally download 15,000 documents and e-books from the Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK). The 15,000th item is a book entitled Fejtorna (Mental Gymnastics) by József Grätzer, one-time secretary of Frigyes Karinthy and author of the so-called SICC! (SHOO!) books.
His Excellency Dr. Vilayat Guliyev, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary paid a visit to National Széchényi Library on April 25, 2016. The aim of his visit was to present a large national atlas of Azerbaijan published in 2014 to our collection.
Hereby we would like to inform you that National Széchényi Library will be closed on May 10, 11 and 12, 2016. The Library cannot be approached on these days because Lion Courtyard has been let to an international event by estate manager Várgondnokság Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
The 6th annual meeting of the librarians of the V4 countries will be held in Brno, capital of Moravia, between May 30 and June 1, 2016. Staff members of National Széchényi Library and the Hungarian Library Institute will also deliver a lecture at the conference.
Milestone in Mikes Kelemen Program: books returned to Hungary are now available on demand. Until March, 2016, 186 cubic meters of library and archival documents, equaling approximately 200,000 items, have been collected at collection sites in the US and Australia. From now on, lists of documents available on demand will be published regularly on our website.
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