In recognition of his outstanding literary activity, our colleague, Dr. László Boka, literary historian, Director of Research and Academic Affairs at National Széchényi Library and Head of NSZL Publishing House was awarded Attila József Prize.
The first Beautiful Hungarian Map competition dates back to 1996. The aim has been to raise the level of Hungarian map culture and help beautifully made maps gain more ground. To achieve this aim, the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of Eötvös Lorand University and the Map Collection of NSZL invite entries to win the title of “Beautiful Hungarian Map” every year.
Digitization of OSZK híradó (NSZL Chronicle) has finally been completed. Online version of the periodical, aimed at processing and preserving the history of National Széchényi Library, can be accessed in the Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database (Hungarian abbreviation: EPA).
The unknown showgirls in National Széchényi Library!
In February 2019, a book of studies entitled Ekslibris – znak własnościowy, dzieło sztuki. Studia i szkice (Ex libris: mark of ownership - piece of art.