
Recent publications of NSZL


National Széchényi Library recently published, jointly with Móra Publishing House, an interesting book presenting the oeuvre of puppet designer Vera Bródy, a book and DVD on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, released as a special issue of BBC History jointly with Kossuth Publishing House and edited by János Rainer M., and a volume of studies entitled Propaganda – politika, hétköznapi és magas kultúra, művészet és média a Nagy Háborúban (Propaganda – Politics, Everyday and High Culture, Art and Media in the Great War).

Spoiled for Choice – NSZL’s Collection of Posters and Small Prints is 80 years old

2016/10/24 - 2018/02/03

The Collection of Posters and Small Prints is both an organic and a unique division of the Hungarian national library, which became an independent division in 1935. The current exhibition was organized in order to celebrate and commemorate the event that happened 80 years ago.

The Hungarian October


“The revolution made history even in its own time” – it is written in the preface of the book. October 23, 1956 will remain in the memory of people and nations forever. It was a day of courage, consciousness and victory.

Heating outage


According to information provided by FŐTÁV Ltd., responsible for Budapest District heating, there will be no heating and warm water service in National Széchényi Library from 3 a.m. Wednesday October 12, 2016 until 10 a.m. Thursday October 13, 2016.

We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest our readers to bring some warm clothes with themselves.


Bestiarium Zircense – book presentation


Bestiarium Zircense, a facsimile edition was published jointly by National Széchényi Library and the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc. The book contains an original-size facsimile of the Bestiary of a 15th-century manuscript taken from the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc to National Széchényi Library. The first book presentation to be held in Zirc will start at 4 p.m. on October 13, 2016.

Documents of Mikes Program at the exhibition of the National Archives of Hungary


Under the title “Expanding History”, a temporary exhibition was launched by the National Archives of Hungary. Open until February 28, 2017, the exhibition presents major document gifts of the past 15 years, including document collections having arrived, via Mikes Kelemen Program, from Hungarians living in diaspora.

More about the exhibition (in Hungarian)


King Lear – book presentation


You are cordially invited to the presentation ceremony of a source edition of the first Hungarian translations of King Lear, published in the ReTextum series of Reciti Publishing House in the 400th memorial year of William Shakespeare’s death. The event will start at 5 p.m.

October book sales



Between October 1 and October 22, 2016, publications of the 1956 Institute are offered at a 30-percent discount price in the bookshop of National Széchényi Library.

Film shooting in Buda Castle


Between Thursday October 7 and Sunday October 10, 2016, there will be a film shooting in the territory of Buda Castle. Access to National Széchényi Library will be undisturbed during shooting.

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