The world of Taiwan is not unknown for visitors of National Széchényi Library. As part of the cooperation agreement signed by NSZL and the National Central Library of Taiwan in spring 2015, a grandiose exhibition will arrive in Budapest in October, 2016. The exhibition will present books known as part of the high culture of Taiwan.
The 42nd Congress of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) was organized by Hungary, and participants of the congress paid a professional visit to the Hungarian national library.
Within the framework of the Autumn Festival of Museums, NSZL will hold a roundtable discussion entitled Zichy’s Everyday Heroes, related to the exhibition entitled Zichy’s Drawn Heroes.
National Széchényi Library, keeper of the written Hungarian cultural heritage, presented eleven newly restored decorative albums within the framework of a series of events entitled European Heritage Days.
Presentation of the book entitled A bábtervező mesél (The Puppet Designer Tells Tales) by Vera Bródy will start at 4 p.m. on September 30, 2016.
Széchényi Prize-winning art historian Krisztina Passuth will be talking with Mari Jászai Award-winning Hungarian puppet and scenery designer Vera Bródy and with Olga Somorjai, editor of the book.
You are cordially invited to the presentation of Eszmélj, Ábel! (Be Aware, Ábel!) by Áron Tamási. The book presentation will start at 5 p.m. on September 22, 2016.
Welcome speech will be delivered by István Elbe, Director of Information Services.
2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Hungarian poet János Arany. This year has been declared János Arany Memorial Year by the Hungarian National Assembly and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). Patron of the memorial year is László Lovász, President of HAS.